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  • 7 Years Old

  • Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus, Club Foot, Bowel and Bladder Complications

Desmond has spina bifida, hydrocephalus and autism, but in no way do these diagnoses define him or limit his joy! His parents say is a social and caring person, always looking to greet anyone he meets in passing by shaking hands or giving a hug. Not only is he caring, but he is also fiercely independent and determined to do more things on his own; he knows what he wants! Because of this, he has always been structured in time scheduling and organization since birth. On any given day, you can find Desmond doing art, baking, cooking, out in nature, playing the piano or listening to music. He has such an imagination and loves being silly! Among his goals in life, he wants to be a veterinarian or as he calls it, a ‘pet doctor.’

“He has such an imagination and loves being silly!”

The makeover Desmond will be receiving will ensure that the space not only works for him now, but will continue to accommodate his needs for many years to come. Because of his diagnoses, he has no feeling below his knees. This requires him to use AFO braces. Getting into a bathtub or getting on hard flooring from his wheelchair is very careful work. Though he is independent and mobile with his wheelchair, they have to keep an eye on him as he can lose focus and be distracted in public settings due to his autism. Sunshine on a Ranney Day hopes to create a space for Desmond to feel safe and contained in his own bedroom, as well as a bathroom that gives space for increased independence and comfort.

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Photography by Carmen Mari


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  • 6 Years Old

  • Gaucher Disease Type 2

Hudson is the youngest of 3 children, following his sister Olivia (8) and brother Gavin (10). He was born a happy healthy baby. Around 4 months of age, Hudson’s parents started noticing some differences in him, such as weight loss, difficulty nursing, and choking. After a few significant episodes Hudson was hospitalized around 6 months of age for further investigation. After a 16 day stay in the hospital and lots of testing Hudson was sent home with no answers and told to follow up with genetics. At the young age of 9 months old, on July 2nd, 2018, Hudson’s mom Nichole received the phone call that would forever alter the life their family had once dreamed of. Hudson was diagnosed with a rare, incurable, terminal, genetic disease, Gauchers Disease 2. They were told to put Hudson on hospice, that he would have no quality of life, never walk, talk, or live past the age of 2. Nichole’s response to them….. “but God”.

You’ve never had a hug ‘till you’ve had a Huddy hug!”

Hudson is now an amazing 5 year old who is living his BEST life! His family has and will continue to go to the ends of the earth for Hudson and his siblings. For the past 4 years they have made the drive to D.C. every 3 to 6 months for Hudson’s geneticist who is the only one in the US willing to give him a chance at life! In fact, Hudson is now being followed by geneticists all over the world as he is re-writing the books and making a way for all the children to come. 

Hudson is a very social kid, who thinks his siblings have hung the moon. He loves sports (football, basketball, and baseball), movies (Toy Story is his favorite), and has a smile that lights up his family’s world! He’s also known to give the BEST hugs. You’ve never had a hug ‘till you’ve had a Huddy hug! 

Unfortunately, Hudson is very susceptible to viruses that have kept him in the hospital ICU for more than half of his life. Because of this, they have had to keep Hudson confined within the walls of their home, limiting his exposure to the outside world. Sunshine on a Ranney Day is honored to bring light and joy into the walls that surround Hudson to help him continue living his BEST life!

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Photography by Vicki Alsup Photography


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  • 12 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Loss, Hip Dysplasia, Chronic Lung Disease & Global Developmental Delays

István had a traumatic beginning, being born a micro-preemie at 25 weeks gestation. Only weighing 1 lb, 6 oz, he fought hard to live. Being a micro-preemie comes with so many challenges – it seems like every decision a parent makes to ensure the baby’s survival comes with a set of lifelong effects. For instance, István contracted MRSA in the hospital (which required broad-spectrum antibiotics) and was on a ventilator for months. One or both of these life-saving measures is more than likely responsible for his unilateral hearing loss. István also has hip dysplasia and cerebral palsy, among other medical challenges.

“István’s blissful character proves that an extraordinary beginning does not determine your life’s path.”

Nonetheless, István does not allow any of his diagnoses to hinder who he is and who he wants to be. He is a very joyful and fun child, always finding a joke to make you laugh or spouting random history facts that remind you of your middle school history class that you probably loathed. In his free time, István dreams of being a history teacher with an RV, so he can enjoy random camping trips across the US. István is an avid reader – reading mostly history books about World War II, the American Revolution, and Ancient Rome. As a homeschooler, TV time is limited in their household. However, when István is offered time to watch television, he loves watching the History Channel, documentaries, and movies in black and white. István’s blissful character proves that an extraordinary beginning does not determine your life’s path.

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Photography by Nicole Bryant


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  • 22 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus & mild intellectual disability

Adam is a young adult who has defied the odds and turned his challenges into triumphs. Born with Hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, Adam has never let his wheelchair-bound condition define him. Instead, he has embraced life with an unyielding spirit and an infectious zest.

His exceptional social skills and his innate ability to uplift everyone around him make him a cherished presence.

Bilingual and highly active, Adam’s accomplishments are as diverse as they are impressive. He is a skilled horseback rider, a tennis player, a swimmer, and even a scuba diver. His determination and discipline have also earned him a green belt in martial arts. Adam’s academic journey is equally inspiring. He attended the IDEAL program at Georgia State University, where he successfully earned his degree. Today, he continues to contribute to the university community through his work at the Center for Leadership and Disabilities. 

Born a twin, Adam’s radiant personality shines as brightly as the sun he loves so much. His exceptional social skills and his innate ability to uplift everyone around him make him a cherished presence. Adam is truly a blessing to those who know him, and his loved ones eagerly anticipate his continued success and the achievement of his goals.

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Photography by Jacey Verhoef


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  • 13 Years Old

  • Transverse Myelitis, paraplegia and autonomic dysreflexia

Logan is an active 13 year old that does not let his wheelchair or crutches cramp his style. He loves to be independent and show the world he can! Most of the time he is in his wheelchair, but uses crutches periodically to get up and down steps or to transfer. Logan acquired transverse myelitis in his spine at 5 months of age, which left him with incomplete paraplegia.

He is an athlete! He excels at everything he tries. He has been on a competition swim team, Challenger baseball (where his picture is hanging in the Little League Baseball Hall of Fame in Williamsport, PA), and currently plays on the Jr. Hawks prep basketball team with Blaze Sports. He loves his coaches and teammates and plans on hopefully getting a college scholarship in the future.

Logan is an active 13 year old that does not let his wheelchair or crutches cramp his style.”

Logan’s other interests include the guitar, books, e-sports, content creating on social media platforms and chorus in school. He also thinks he’s funny – he will tell you jokes 24/7 if you let him. Some are funny, some are dumb dad jokes, but he always thinks he’s a pro. He will tell you that when he grows up, his parent’s want him to go to college and maybe become a computer programmer or something in that field, but he wants to become a “sit down comedian.” Sunshine on a Ranney Day can’t wait to give spunky Logan an accessible dream bedroom and bathroom!

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Photography by Your Agent Catelyn


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  • 5 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy

Bryce is a vibrant and remarkable 5 year old boy who lights up the room. Bryce was born at 27 weeks and spent 2 months in the NICU . As an infant, he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Most of the time, he utilizes a walker and crutches to get around but recently received a wheelchair for long distances. His diagnosis does not deter him from his eagerness to explore and become independent.  He was destined to stand out in the most amazing way while warming the hearts of everyone who crosses his path. His great sense of humor and clever personality is loved and embraced by so many.

“Bryce is the nucleus of their village that keeps everyone connected and in high spirits.”

He attends kindergarten at Still Elementary with his 10 year old sister, London. His family feels so fortunate to have such a strong network of individuals who genuinely care about his mental and physical well-being. Bryce is the nucleus of their village that keeps everyone connected and in high spirits.

Bryce enjoys drawing and telling elaborate stories with fantasy and supernatural themes. He can spend hours creating intricate designs with magnetic blocks and participates in the Horizon Baseball League for children with special needs. We have no doubt that Bryce’s compassionate spirit, inquisitive mind and strong determination will go a long way!

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Photography by Nicole Wood Photography


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  • 4 Years Old

  • Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia

Ellie was a perfectly healthy baby during prenatal check ups and Jenn (Ellie’s momma) had a wonderful pregnancy. However, the last two minutes of labor changed everything. She swallowed Meconium, got stuck in the birth canal, and had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. She was blue and limp when she arrived. It took two minutes to revive her and just in that amount of time, she lost oxygen to her brain causing injury to her cerebellum, which controls fine motor skills and balance. Since Ellie’s birth, her family has been learning and handling challenge after challenge.

It’s hard to believe the first year of her life they tried just about everything to make her smile or laugh but now it’s effortless!

Due to her developmental delay and strange movement disorder (later diagnosed as dystonia) her Neurologist conducted a genetic test for Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia type 2A. Soon after her first birthday in April 2019, they received the positive results. This means both parents passed the gene to Ellie causing her cerebellum and half of her brain stem to stop growing in the womb. So now, on top of her birth injury, she also has this genetic mutation.  It’s such a rare disease that doctors really don’t know a prognosis and only about 100 people have been documented having this gene. Some children pass away during childhood years, however, some have lived well into her twenties. 

What we DO know is Ellie is the happiest baby in the world! It’s hard to believe the first year of her life they tried just about everything to make her smile or laugh but now it’s effortless! She is the silliest girl and keeps everyone laughing. She loves any and all music, including the jams on Cocomelon and when her Daddy plays guitar for her! Even though she is technically “non-verbal” she definitely communicates in her own little language and is such a social butterfly. Water is at the top of her favorites because it gives her freedom and some independence. When in her special float, she is able to move freely by herself and is not dependent on help.

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Photography by Christina Elmore Photography


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