Glenn was born a twin at 38 weeks. However, his identical twin passed during the pregnancy at the 16th week. Several ultrasounds during the pregnancy showed that his head was not growing, and later it was discovered that Glenn would be born with microcephaly. In addition to the microcephaly diagnosis, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. As an infant, Glenn had high anxiety and needed to be held. At 10 months, Glenn began having challenges swallowing food. After a swallow study was completed, he was diagnosed with failure to thrive which led to his first surgery and a g-tube placement. When Glenn was two, his mom began to often notice that his body jerked abruptly while he slept and that he startled easily at sudden noises. An EEG and a sleep study was completed and he was diagnosed with seizure disorder. Over time he has had a hip surgery and a spinal fusion surgery to correct the scoliosis diagnosis. Glenn has been very strong and resilient throughout all that he has had to endure and has come out of every surgery with a smile.
14 Years Old
Cerebral Palsy, seizure disorder, oropharyngeal dysphagia, spastic quadriplegia and developmental delay
“Glenn has been very strong and resilient throughout all that he has had to endure and has come out of every surgery with a smile.“
Due to the effects of the cerebral palsy and the severe spasticity, Glenn has never used his hands, nor has he ever or walked. He continues to suffer from multiple seizures daily. He requires total care, as he is dependent on his family for all his needs. Glenn is a happy young man and is a social butterfly who is a big fan of music. He enjoys attention from anyone who will give it to him, and he loves for people to talk to him! He tries hard to talk and sing, and occasionally you can understand some of his words and phrases. He enjoys observing people and waiting for them to do or say something silly so that he can laugh. When Glenn finds something funny, he will laugh and snort to no end. He wakes up smiling every morning ready to play. He understands everything and knows what he likes and dislikes. He is not bashful at showing the world who he truly is!