István had a traumatic beginning, being born a micro-preemie at 25 weeks gestation. Only weighing 1 lb, 6 oz, he fought hard to live. Being a micro-preemie comes with so many challenges – it seems like every decision a parent makes to ensure the baby’s survival comes with a set of lifelong effects. For instance, István contracted MRSA in the hospital (which required broad-spectrum antibiotics) and was on a ventilator for months. One or both of these life-saving measures is more than likely responsible for his unilateral hearing loss. István also has hip dysplasia and cerebral palsy, among other medical challenges.
12 Years Old
Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Loss, Hip Dysplasia, Chronic Lung Disease & Global Developmental Delays
“István’s blissful character proves that an extraordinary beginning does not determine your life’s path.”
Nonetheless, István does not allow any of his diagnoses to hinder who he is and who he wants to be. He is a very joyful and fun child, always finding a joke to make you laugh or spouting random history facts that remind you of your middle school history class that you probably loathed. In his free time, István dreams of being a history teacher with an RV, so he can enjoy random camping trips across the US. István is an avid reader – reading mostly history books about World War II, the American Revolution, and Ancient Rome. As a homeschooler, TV time is limited in their household. However, when István is offered time to watch television, he loves watching the History Channel, documentaries, and movies in black and white. István’s blissful character proves that an extraordinary beginning does not determine your life’s path.