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Tag: 2024


  • 16 Years Old

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

Kendall’s parents are high school sweethearts and had three daughters and one son. Camryn, Kendall, Chase and Kaiden all have such beautifully unique personalities and roles within the family. The matriarch of my family is Kendall’s grandmother. She is affectionately known as Grandma to all. Although she is a feisty and fiery golden ager, she is the peacemaker of the family. Together they are Team Thomas. They are a team not because of their quantity, but because their togetherness is their happy place. They are Team Thomas, party of seven, and nothing can break them.

Kendall has a giving spirit and is loveable. She’s a hard worker and very passionate about football. She has always danced to her own beat and always thought outside of the box. Hence, the only female on the North Paulding High School freshman football team. She also played football in fifth grade. Kendall was very active. She refereed soccer, briefly played Lacrosse, loved babysitting, walked dogs, danced at church, and loved volunteering. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite artists are Beyonce followed by Fantasia, Alicia Keys, and Chris Brown. 

“Kendall has always danced to her own beat and thought outside of the box.”

Their story and Kendall’s life suddenly changed on January 11, 2022, when the actions of one person had a piercing and life-altering effect on Team Thomas.. It was the unimaginable tragedy and near fatality of Kendall, who would later become the epitome of the power of prayer. It was that Tuesday, January 11, 2022, when Kendall was tragically struck by a vehicle at school landing on the left side of her head in front of her 11-year-old brother Chase and several others. Kendall was unconscious for almost three months. She sustained a traumatic brain injury and was fighting for her life. Due to the severity of her injuries, she has had to relearn how to do everything, from talking to walking. She has had four brain surgeries and three other procedures to accommodate her breathing and feeding. Although Kendall has made remarkable and miraculous improvements, she still has a long way to go. Nothing much has changed in regard to her infectious spirit, big personality, and love for Beyonce. Her favorite things to do now are singing and going to church.

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Photography by Catelyn Fraser


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  • 14 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy, seizure disorder, oropharyngeal dysphagia, spastic quadriplegia and developmental delay

Glenn was born a twin at 38 weeks. However, his identical twin passed during the pregnancy at the 16th week. Several ultrasounds during the pregnancy showed that his head was not growing, and later it was discovered that Glenn would be born with microcephaly. In addition to the microcephaly diagnosis, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. As an infant, Glenn had high anxiety and needed to be held. At 10 months, Glenn began having challenges swallowing food. After a swallow study was completed, he was diagnosed with failure to thrive which led to his first surgery and a g-tube placement. When Glenn was two, his mom began to often notice that his body jerked abruptly while he slept and that he startled easily at sudden noises. An EEG and a sleep study was completed and he was diagnosed with seizure disorder. Over time he has had a hip surgery and a spinal fusion surgery to correct the scoliosis diagnosis. Glenn has been very strong and resilient throughout all that he has had to endure and has come out of every surgery with a smile. 

“Glenn has been very strong and resilient throughout all that he has had to endure and has come out of every surgery with a smile.

Due to the effects of the cerebral palsy and the severe spasticity, Glenn has never used his hands, nor has he ever or walked. He continues to suffer from multiple seizures daily. He requires total care, as he is dependent on his family for all his needs. Glenn is a happy young man and is a social butterfly who is a big fan of music. He enjoys attention from anyone who will give it to him, and he loves for people to talk to him! He tries hard to talk and sing, and occasionally you can understand some of his words and phrases. He enjoys observing people and waiting for them to do or say something silly so that he can laugh. When Glenn finds something funny, he will laugh and snort to no end. He wakes up smiling every morning ready to play. He understands everything and knows what he likes and dislikes. He is not bashful at showing the world who he truly is!

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Photography by Niki Murphy


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  • 22 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus & mild intellectual disability

Adam is a young adult who has defied the odds and turned his challenges into triumphs. Born with Hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, Adam has never let his wheelchair-bound condition define him. Instead, he has embraced life with an unyielding spirit and an infectious zest.

His exceptional social skills and his innate ability to uplift everyone around him make him a cherished presence.

Bilingual and highly active, Adam’s accomplishments are as diverse as they are impressive. He is a skilled horseback rider, a tennis player, a swimmer, and even a scuba diver. His determination and discipline have also earned him a green belt in martial arts. Adam’s academic journey is equally inspiring. He attended the IDEAL program at Georgia State University, where he successfully earned his degree. Today, he continues to contribute to the university community through his work at the Center for Leadership and Disabilities. 

Born a twin, Adam’s radiant personality shines as brightly as the sun he loves so much. His exceptional social skills and his innate ability to uplift everyone around him make him a cherished presence. Adam is truly a blessing to those who know him, and his loved ones eagerly anticipate his continued success and the achievement of his goals.

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Photography by Jacey Verhoef


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  • 20 Years Old

  • Morquio syndrome

Marilyn is a smart, beautiful, and outgoing 20-year-old girl who loves BTS, shopping, boba, makeup and hanging out with friends and family!

She was born with Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) IV, a rare disease in which the body is missing or does not have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules. Because of MPS she is unable to walk or grow and uses an electric wheelchair. Marilyn wears glasses and hearing aids and has had multiple surgeries to help with her health and mobility.

“This room makeover will bring her so much happiness and give her the independence of not needing help from her parents and siblings.”

In her current room situation, her wheelchair is not able to be brought into the house. She would love to have her wheelchair inside the house so that she is not limited to just being in her room. This room makeover will bring her so much happiness and give her the independence of not needing help from her parents and siblings. Sunshine on a Ranney Day is beyond thrilled to be able to offer wheelchair access into her home and a bedroom of her dreams!

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Photography by Carmen Mari


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