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  • 11 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy, Visually Impaired

Like most pre-teens, 11-year old Arion seems to grow like a weed despite his many disabilities. As he has grown, it has become more difficult for his parents and caregivers to move him and care for his needs. There is a step up from the entry door of his home, making it difficult for wheelchair entry, and his bathroom is not accessible.
Arion was only 1.6 pounds when he was born prematurely. In addition to living with Cerebral Palsy, he has ROP, Retinopathy of prematurity, causing visual impairment. Another complication of his premature birth is Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), a disease that affects the intestine of premature infants, sometimes called Short Bowel Syndrome.

In addition to living with Cerebral Palsy, he has ROP, Retinopathy of prematurity, causing visual impairment.

Like many families with pre-teens, Arion’s family is always “running around,” but instead of sports and scouts, his days include frequent visits to a GI Doctor, a lung doctor, a psychiatrist, an eye doctor, speech therapy, OT, PT, and Hippo Therapy. He also goes to school four days a week and receives some homebound services. When returning home, from a busy day, they are challenged with safely getting Arion up the step and into their home. Things are complicated, even further, when it is time to transfer Arion to a bath. The chair doesn’t fit through the bathroom door. Arion has grown to a size that makes transferring to their small tub dangerous for both him and his mom.

Arion loves music, and when someone sings to him, as well as cars and toys that make noise and music. A modified entry and an accessible bathroom will make for a safer home. It will reduce the risk of injury and eliminate physical stress on his parents and caregivers. With a better quality of life for the whole family there will be more time to sing and enjoy music with Arion.

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Photography by Nicole Photography


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  • 10 Years Old

  • Mitochondrial Disease, Epilepsy

Light shows can be quite mesmerizing, and at the end of the day, ten-year-old Caitlin loves to go to her room where various lights provide her own nightly “light show.” Caitlin is severely developmentally delayed, non-verbal, unable to walk, requires around the clock care, and is at risk due to her yet to be determined mitochondrial disease/disorder. From her first seizure at four months old to now, Caitlin’s ten short years have been a whirlwind of medical procedures and surgeries. As Caitlin grows older, the impact of her conditions will cause further delays and her system will begin to deteriorate.

Although she is non-verbal, Caitlin has no trouble letting people know how she feels or what she wants by giving a cute, little yell! She loves to be on the move, both in her wheelchair and the car. Caitlin’s family feels fortunate to have been able to move into a one-story home where everything is on one level, and she is blessed with wonderful grandparents, friends, and neighbors who love and adore her.

Although she is non-verbal, Caitlin has no trouble letting people know how she feels or what she wants by giving a cute, little yell!

Caitlin stays home with her mother and participates in the hospital homebound school program as well as therapy programs. Caitlin requires round the clock care. As she continues to defy the odds, her growing size has made bathing difficult for her parents, and an accessible bathroom will make bath time safer and even fun. An adapted bathroom and “Dream Bedroom” will help Caitlin end her day with her mesmerizing light show and she will continue to shine as the light of her parents’ lives.

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Photography by Nicole Photography


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  • 6 Years Old

  • Angelman Syndrome

It is ironic that “happy” is a symptom of Angelman Syndrome, a rare neurogenetic disorder that causes global developmental delays, lack of speech, and seizures. Stetson, age six, was extremely happy and a “good” baby. Born at 8lbs. 6 oz. and acting so full of life, it was surprising at ten months to notice developmental delays. At 12 months, Stetson began PT and OT once a week at home. Stetson was so social, engaging, and happy, and his parents were told he would probably ‘catch up’ quickly. At 16 months, Stetson had his first of many seizures and was given a seizure disorder diagnosis. Over the next six weeks, Stetson had multiple seizures, as the family awaited genetic testing, which confirmed his Angelman Syndrome diagnosis.

It is ironic that “happy” is a symptom of Angelman Syndrome, a rare neurogenetic disorder that causes global developmental delays, lack of speech, and seizures.

Stetson’s mom stopped working outside the home to care for him. They have spent the last four years traveling to specialists all over the east coast and even participating in brain studies to help learn more about this rare disease. Stetson participates in speech therapy twice a week, hippo-therapy, and swim lessons as well as going to kindergarten, where he also receives additional PT, OT, and speech therapy.
Children with AS tend to be very sensory seeking and have an oral fixation, but overall, they are happy kids. Stetson loves to wander, climb, and play with whatever he can get his hands on. He can be very impulsive and is not always safe while exploring. He has to be watched non-stop, even in his own home, to make sure he is safe. With the increasing demands of a new baby brother, a sensory/therapy room will allow Stetson to explore and play safely while attention is shared between two children. It will also provide him with the opportunity to improve his motor skills at home while playing and offer some of the independence six-year-old boys crave, things that are important for his development. Stetson’s parents will have peace of mind knowing he is both safe and getting the proper stimulation.
The past five years have been replete with travel, testing, and treatment. With an in-home sensory/therapy room, Stetson’s whole family will benefit from more routine day-to-day life at home.

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Photography by Pear Tree Photography


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  • 9 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy

This adorable eight year-old boy is going to be getting an incredible dream makeover! His name is Samuel. He is an inspiration to many and transforms the hearts of all who encounter him. He has an amazing way with people and every time they see his bright smile and bold determination, they forget about their own worlds of troubles and challenges and are instantly illuminated with delight.

Samuel and his twin brother Wesley were both born prematurely at 25 weeks on January 25, 2011. Both boys weighed just over one pound. The fact that they both survived is a miracle. They stayed in the Kennestone Hospital NICU for three months. Though very sick, Wesley made it through the ordeal with no lasting physical challenges. Samuel, however, suffered from a Grade IV intraventricular hemorrhage at five days old. This led quickly to hydrocephalus, the placement of a shunt, and the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Right before his 4th birthday, Samuel aspirated on some food during his first seizure. He was life-flighted to Scottish Rite (CHOA) Hospital. He recovered, but after several more seizures immediately following this episode, epilepsy was added to his list of diagnoses. In August 2016, Samuel underwent his first shunt revision and in April 2017, he suffered from a subdural hematoma, which led to an additional surgery and a shunt placed in the left side of his head to drain the excess fluid.

Due to his challenges with cerebral palsy and balance deficits, Samuel is unable walk independently. He uses a Kaye Reverse walker, a gait belt, or a Lofstrand crutch for mobility.

Due to his challenges with cerebral palsy and balance deficits, Samuel is unable walk independently. He uses a Kaye Reverse walker, a gait belt, or a Lofstrand crutch for mobility. He also wears AFO’s on both feet and has significant weakness in his right hand. Samuel has put in hundreds of hours working through physical therapy, occupational therapy, therapeutic horseback riding, and a one-on-one gymnastics class for conditioning and strengthening. Every little success is a milestone for him and he has made huge stride over the past several years. After enormous amounts of hard work and dedication, Samuel can stand for minutes at a time, walk across the therapy gym without falling and catch a volleyball. These feats drive him to work harder and keep sight of his goals and dreams.

In spite of his physical challenges, Samuel is like any other 8 year-old boy with a hearty sense of humor, zest for mischief, a wealth of good jokes, an obsession with motorcycles and a never-ending supply of giggles when his dog bathes his ears with kisses. His ultimate goal is to ride a motorcycle one day and he is surely going to accomplish that goal.

The relationship between Samuel and his brother Wesley is a beautiful and unique one. Wesley lovingly stands by him in every endeavor and cheers him on. Samuel yearns to be as independent as his brother and therefore eagerly works toward mastering new skills. They celebrate every victory together and no triumph is small.

Sunshine on a Ranney Day will be celebrating all of Samuel’s conquests through the provision of a stunning new therapy room! We look forward to watching him light up the room as his radiant smiles and contagious giggles fill the renovated space! We hope that you will join us at the big reveal!

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Photography by Niki Murphy Photography


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  • 13 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy

This handsome fella with dazzling eyes and an incredibly bright smile is Pablo. He is the lucky recipient of the next dream make over from Sunshine on a Ranney Day!

Twelve years ago, the family was excited to welcome Pablo into the world after a joyous pregnancy. When he finally arrived, he endured a traumatic birth with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. During this time, adequate oxygen was not being delivered to his brain and tremendously affected his ability to thrive. At birth, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, diplegia, spasticity and asthma. Although devastated by this trauma, his family was determined to ensure that he had a brilliant future in which he’d achieve all of his goals. That is exactly what he is doing.

At birth, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, diplegia, spasticity and asthma. Although devastated by this trauma, his family was determined to ensure that he had a brilliant future in which he’d achieve all of his goals.

This self-determined preteen is diligently working toward great achievements and does so with a happy spirit. He enjoys hippotherapy at MacKenna Farms where he has grown to love riding horses. He wears AFOs on his legs to help with tone and gait, as well as uses a wheelchair to get around on his own. He requires assistance with his activities of daily living including toileting and taking a shower. His home currently only has one bathroom and it is not wheelchair accessible. This makes his daily routine challenging and has become a barrier to developing further independence. Sunshine On A Ranney Day will be remodeling his bathroom to be fully accessible and will provide him an unforgettable designer bedroom. We can’t wait to see him beaming with glee when he sees it!

Pablo is fond of many things including dogs, classic cars, the color blue and Bruno Mars. Like most teens, he loves to chat about the things he loves most and those who know him best say he is quite the chatterbox. Despite the obstacles he faces, he continues to reach for the stars.

We hope that his newly decorated room inspires him to soar even further. We’d love to have your support in completing this project and hope that you will join us for the big reveal.

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Photography by Marcelino Aquilar Photography


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  • 17 Years Old
  • PURA Syndrome

This blonde haired, blue-eyed cutie is Harrison. He is 17 years old and captures the heart of anyone he comes in contact with. He loves music, motorcycles, rollercoasters, being outdoors, dancing, swimming and using his iPad and enjoying the company of other people. He has played adapted baseball since he was five years old and participates in other adapted sports through a buddy program at his high school. Born prematurely, Harrison experienced significant health concerns, seizures and symptoms requiring hospitalizations and surgeries. Despite tons of testing, nothing brought answers until he was 14-years old. After experiencing traumatic violent seizures that lead to fractured bones and teeth, his parents sought out for answers through a DNA Sequencing test and he was diagnosed with PURA Syndrome. At the time, Harrison was only the twenty first case recorded throughout the world, although now there are about 301 known cases.

After experiencing traumatic violent seizures that lead to fractured bones and teeth, his parents sought out for answers through a DNA Sequencing test and he was diagnosed with PURA Syndrome.

This is a neurodevelopmental diagnosis that presents itself with children being nonverbal, non-ambulatory as they get older, seizures, developmentally delayed both mentally and physically, diaper dependent and yet they all have extremely sweet and happy demeanors Harrison has to sleep in a special “Sleep Safe” bed, requires a wheelchair for mobility, uses simple signs and gestures to communicate, attends special classes at school for children with severe disabilities, and requires assistance in all aspects of his daily care. Harrison also serves as a “Miracle Kid” with For the Kids at both Kennesaw State University and Georgia Tech in an effort to give back to the community at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta that has helped him to become the admirable person he is today. Sunshine on a Ranney Day has chosen Harrison as the beneficiary of an accessible bathroom renovation to help make his days brighter and his smile wider. He hopes that you will support this endeavor and join us at the big reveal.
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Photography by Birchfield Photography


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  • 13 Years Old

  • Spina Bifida

We are proud to introduce you to Lainey. This beautiful princess is thirteen years old and is a devoted daddy’s girl. Her biggest fans are her two big brothers and her dog Buddy. She recently became aware that Sunshine on A Ranney Day will be renovating her home and she is absolutely thrilled! Sunshine on A Ranney Day is planning a spectacular dream make over for her and is looking forward to breaking ground on this project.

Lainey is the baby of the family and was born with Spina Bifida. She resided in the NICU at Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Scottish Rite for 27 days. While there, she endured multiple medical procedures and three distinct surgeries. Since that time, the number of surgeries she has undergone has risen to twenty-seven. Despite the fact that surgery is a major event and most people never endure more than one, Lainey withstands them like a champ. She is exceptionally brave and extraordinarily cheerful. In addition to a vast number of surgeries, she also has a VP shunt, a spinal shunt, a neurogenic bladder, scoliosis, and is wheelchair dependent. She relies on others to meet all of her needs throughout the day.

Lainey is the baby of the family and was born with Spina Bifida. She resided in the NICU at Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Scottish Rite for 27 days.

Currently, Lainey has growing rods, also known as Harrington Rods, that were surgically implanted along her spinal column to correct scoliosis and they are lengthened every six months. This procedure is excruciatingly painful, but she faces these procedures with positivity and poise.

Lainey is a 7th grader at McClure Middle School and wholeheartedly loves her teachers, friends and the school community. She has an amazing memory and is obsessed with learning people’s names and the names of their dogs and children. She participates in aquatic therapy at Kool Kidz as well as occupational therapy and at McKenna Farms. For fun, she likes playing on her iPad, swimming and the beach. Lainey loves all things Disney and princesses. She is using her experience to inspire others and make a difference in the world by serving as a miracle child for UGA Miracle and loves raising funds for Children’s Hospital of Atlanta.

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Photography by Little Stitch Photography

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Christian V

  • 16 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy

This handsome fellow is the next recipient of a dream makeover from Sunshine on a Ranney Day. Christian is a gregarious 16-year old boy with Cerebral Palsy who dreams of being a DJ when he grows up. Just hours after having his wisdom teeth removed, Christian was on the air at the Ryan Seacrest Studio at CHOA Egleston, interviewing children awaiting surgery. Smart and witty, he charmed his guests with unexpected bits of well-placed humor. Christian is social, craves engagement and loves lifting others up. His middle school football coach saw a spark in him and invited him to join the team as an inspirational sideline coach. Christian’s positive attitude was contagious and earned him the coveted Heart of the Lion award given for courage in the face of stiff odds. By Christian’s eighth-grade year, the coach renamed the award after its inspirational recipient. Christian will return each fall to hand out the honor to a deserving athlete and make a speech during the football banquet. 

Christian is a gregarious 16-year old boy with Cerebral Palsy who dreams of being a DJ when he grows up.

Christian was born prematurely by emergency c-section and spent 32-days in the NICU. Eight months later, after failing to meet developmental milestones, he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. At three years old, he received his first wheelchair, entered pre-school and learned to speak. This is when his personality began to emerge. He has continued to thrive and grow despite his disability, which he says he doesn’t notice all that much. Now that he is 5 foot 2 and one hundred pounds, with a 250-pound wheelchair, caring for him in a traditional sized bathroom and narrow bedroom doors has become a difficult challenge. With a bathroom remodel and ramp installation, Sunshine on a Ranney Day hopes to keep his dream alive and help him achieve his goals while helping his family continue to care for him in his home. We hope that you will join us in making this project become a reality.

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Photography by Kristy Weaver Photography


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  • 17 Years Old
  • Tranverse Myelitis

This gorgeous young lady with an inspirational smile is Elizabeth. Until the evening of Friday, February 17, 2017, Elizabeth was a healthy, social, active teenager who played Lacrosse. Her world was turned upside down that evening and has not been the same since. Elizabeth noticed a weird feeling and felt pain in her legs. Within a few hours she was paralyzed from the waist down and has not taken a step beyond that moment. Her condition was determined to be Transverse Myelitis, which is a rare neurological disorder. On top of adjusting to being in a wheelchair full time, Elizabeth suffers chronic pain, fatigue and health complications.

Her only wish is to spend more time with her friends and Sunshine on a Ranney Day is going to grant it!

Although she faces her battles head on, the social impact of this life change has hit her the hardest. She can no longer easily enter the homes of her friends due to lack of wheelchair accessibility. Her only wish is to spend more time with her friends and Sunshine on a Ranney Day is going to grant it! Elizabeth will be getting an accessible bathroom and a “hang out” space in her teen suite so friends can come spend time with her at home. With this new set-up, her service dog Stevie Ray will not be left behind. He is very excited about having his human friends over! We are ecstatic about breaking ground on this unique and sensational project to help Elizabeth adjust to her new lifestyle. Watch out world, she is going to shine brighter than the sun!

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Photography by Nicole Photography


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  • 5 Years Old
  • Modern Day Polio
Sweet Fenton has captured our hearts and will be acquiring a dream-worthy state of the art therapy room from Sunshine on a Ranney Day! Fenton was a perfectly healthy four year old boy until June 22nd last year when he woke up complaining that his neck hurt. He was diagnosed with Acute Flaccid Myelitis (Modern Day Polio). His entire body has become paralyzed; he is on a ventilator and a tracheotomy. This endearing little boy, who is the baby of the family, is fun-loving and laces humor into everything with comments and one-liners. Fenton is very verbal and very inquisitive. He has a big personality; and, has always asserted that he will be nothing less than mighty. He loves life with all of his being and relishes in learning. He is fascinated with different languages and loves learning words in many languages. He follows Atlanta sports teams and keeps up with the players and recruiting for the Atlanta United, Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta Braves. Fenton is currently one of only four cases of Modern Day Polio in Georgia and one of roughly 300 nationwide.

Fenton is currently one of only four cases of Modern Day Polio in Georgia and one of roughly 300 nationwide.

Fenton’s spine was infused with inflammation that quickly destroyed tissue including the nerve conduits leading to his extremities. He is scheduled to receive an innovative new surgical procedure called nerve transfers and is hopeful that the results will be positive; and, he will be able to breathe without a ventilator. Fenton’s daily routine is built upon an intensive therapy schedule. With therapeutic electrical stimulation and consistent movement, children like Fenton show strengthening and meaningful muscle improvements over time. Intensive therapy treatments are important for Fenton to achieve maximum potential. Fenton is a resilient trooper and a complete ray of light. He provides hope in the face of fear and replaces sadness with smiles. Sunshine on a Ranney Day hopes to bring endless smiles to Fenton and his family though this exciting venture! We’d love to see you at the big reveal!
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Photography by Niki Murphy Photography


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