Kaitlyn is a happy and fun-loving 10-year-old girl. She, unfortunately, lost oxygen during her birth process and experienced seizures shortly after birth. She had a 16 day NICU stay after birth and experiences many health and gross and fine motor challenges due to her brain injury. She was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at just 8 months old and has been in weekly speech, physical and occupational therapy since just 6 months old. She also participates in ABA therapy and intensive robotic therapy. She is unable to use her physical voice but uses a communication device to communicate. Kaitlyn uses a power wheelchair in the school and community settings and can walk with the support of a gait trainer in her home.
12 Years Old
Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy
“Kaitlyn works so hard to overcome her challenges and puts forth so much effort each and every day”
Despite this multitude of challenges, Kaitlyn lives a happy and fulfilling life. She loves doing yoga, playing Mario Kart with an adaptive controller, and baking with her family. She runs races with her Dad in an adaptive jogging stroller and has already completed 2 half marathons. She loves our family beach trips to Hilton Head Island and she even does yoga on the beach! What fun! She is active in her church and participates in church worship and dances up a storm each week. Kaitlyn works so hard to overcome her challenges and puts forth so much effort each and every day.
We’re so excited for Kaitlyn to have an accessible space to give her independence and a calm place to relax after those sometimes really tough and overstimulating and overtiring days. She is already starting to ask about makeup and becoming more interested in fashion so it will be so neat to have a space where she can learn to become more independent as she heads into her teen years soon.