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Tag: In Progress


  • 19 Years Old

  • T4 to L5 Spinal Injury

Naji is a nineteen-year-old young man, born on April 5, 2004 with a congenital heart defect that necessitated four open heart surgeries. His plans after high school were to pursue college degrees in both finance and law. Unfortunately, his plans were put on hold after sustaining a spinal cord injury in September 2022.

The injury Naji sustained in September 2022 caused him to become paraplegic. He was hospitalized for several months after his surgery for both recovery and extensive in-patient rehabilitation therapy. The nature of his injury by definition involves an extremely long recovery, including extensive physical and occupational therapy, lots of dedication and hard work to his treatment plan. Other hurdles he is having to navigate in addition to his paralysis are: the management of constant pain, neurogenic bowels, neurogenic bladder, emotional and psychological stress and anxiety.

“He is dedicated to … pursuing a career that would allow him to become a productive member of society – to give back what society has graciously given him.”

Naji is an extremely intelligent young man, as well as being very sensitive and caring. He has a unique sense of humor, loves animals and in fact has two dogs and a kitten: Oreo, Tango and Bear. He is dedicated to achieving recovery, going to college and pursuing a career that would allow him to become a productive member of society, and to give back what society has graciously given him.

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Photography by Niki Murphy

Check out Osayi’s reveal while we complete Naji’s makeover! 


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  • 17 Years Old

  • Paralysis Waist Down & Amputee

Cayden was born with congenital scoliosis, a condition that has defined his young life with countless challenges. Despite enduring multiple surgeries, including the amputation of one of his legs, Cayden has remained resilient and full of hope. However, during a spinal fusion surgery meant to improve his quality of life, tragedy struck—he suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed from the waist down. Cayden spent 11 long weeks in the hospital, enduring excruciating pain, multiple surgeries, and severe infections. 

“He is an amazing, selfless child”

Through it all, Cayden has shown remarkable strength and an incredible, selfless spirit. This brave young boy faces unimaginable challenges every day, and his family is now struggling to provide him with the resources he needs to live with dignity and comfort.

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Photography by Niki Murphy

Check out Hannah’s Reveal while we complete Cayden’s! 


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  • 9 Years Old

  • HIE, CP, Seizures, Swallowing Disfunction, Cortical Visual Impairment, Startle Reflex, Non-Verbal

Little Summer was born by emergency c-section after being extremely low on oxygen for 40 mins. She came out completely blue from not being able to breathe and was immediately  transferred to Emory NICU for cooling therapy. Her mom was told over the phone that Summer was having her body temperature cooled to try and minimize the hits to her organs from the lack of oxygen, called Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. Summer was cleared to leave after 10 days, proof that she had major brain damage. 

It took 18 months for the doctors to catch that the milestones weren’t happening. She couldn’t sit up, had poor head control, no control of limbs or saliva, a swallowing dysfunction, epilepsy, and mixed cerebral palsy. Her muscle tone is tight and painful in some parts of her body and low tone in other areas. Summer’s main caretaker is her single mother, Shanon. Taking care of her is a struggle 24/7, now that she is getting heavier. Shanon has injured her back and neck lifting, bathing, diapering and feeding her. They are in desperate need of their home to be set up to make their lives less demanding physically and mentally. Shanon worries that after 10 years of living this way, it will only get harder and more taxing on her body and therefore Summer, as a result. 

“Summer enjoys going shopping with her mom and being with her dog Sterling.”

Summer enjoys watching children play outside, play video games, and creating art. Like many girls, pink is her color. She enjoys going shopping with her mom and being with her dog Sterling. She also loves the library and watching Spirit on Netflix – horses are her favorite animal! Sunshine on a Ranney Day is looking forward to giving Summer an accessible bathroom that is safer for both her and her mom, as well as a dream bedroom that reflects her beautiful soul!

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Photography by Rosalind Williams

Check out Osayi’s reveal while we complete Summer’s! 


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  • 20 Years Old

  • Cerebral Palsy & Epilepsy

Dewone was born a healthy and joyful child, but his life took a dramatic turn at a young age when he contracted bacterial meningitis. One day, he was found unresponsive and had been without oxygen for over an hour, resulting in a major stroke. This life-altering event left Dewone non-verbal, living with epilepsy, and unable to care for himself. Though he faces these challenges daily, his spirit remains bright, and he continues to inspire those around him with his resilience and joyful heart.

For Dewone’s single mother, caring for him has been both a profound labor of love and an ongoing challenge. His wheelchair-bound state, his need for constant support with feeding and personal care, and the lack of an accessible bathroom have made daily routines incredibly difficult. Sunshine on a Ranney Day’s renovation hopes to transform their lives by creating a home environment that allows for greater accessibility and comfort. A walk-in shower will allow Dewone’s mom to bathe him without the physical strain of lifting him, and padded walls will help ensure his safety as he continues to work on maintaining his mobility.

“His love of movement, along with his mother’s constant encouragement, helps him maintain as much independence as possible.”

Despite his limitations, Dewone is a beacon of light to everyone he meets. His smiles are contagious, and his affection brings warmth to those around him. He loves playing with light-up toys, tossing balls, and interacting with strings that have objects attached. His love of movement, along with his mother’s constant encouragement, helps him maintain as much independence as possible. This renovation will not only improve his quality of life but also open new doors for Dewone to thrive in a space that truly meets his needs.

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Photography by Niki Murphy

Check out Osayi’s Reveal while we complete Dewone’s! 


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