Moms of boys remember the time when their little boy’s height surpassed their own. They mark a wall, the boy talks smack to mom, and they laugh as if it’s a right of passage. It is no different for 15-year-old twins Aidan and Brendan. At 6 feet and nearly 6 feet, they present the picture of grown men next to petite 5’3″ mom. Born at 28 weeks, the twins have differing degrees of Autism. Aidan is more moderate; with his developmental delays, he functions at an eight-year-old level. Brendan is non-verbal, and communication is challenging as he struggles to learn signs. Developmentally, he is in the 3 to 4-year-old range, and also has epilepsy.
15 Years Old
“Born at 28 weeks, the twins have differing degrees of Autism.”
In addition to school and therapy, the boys enjoy traditional favorite past times. Aidan loves Pokemon, Toystory, and Minecraft. He loves learning about the weather; but, he finds great comfort in his favorite weighted blanket when thunderstorms roll around. Like so many teen boys, Brendan is a UGA fan, “Go Dawgs!” and loves to play golf. You can also find him enjoying the perennial favorites, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, on evening TV. Both boys share in the excitement of Christmas as we all know Santa knows no age.
A dream bedroom makeover will maximize the space and make it comfortable for young men — Sunshine On A Ranney Day’s specialty.