This handsome fellow is the next recipient of a dream makeover from Sunshine on a Ranney Day. Christian is a gregarious 16-year old boy with Cerebral Palsy who dreams of being a DJ when he grows up. Just hours after having his wisdom teeth removed, Christian was on the air at the Ryan Seacrest Studio at CHOA Egleston, interviewing children awaiting surgery. Smart and witty, he charmed his guests with unexpected bits of well-placed humor. Christian is social, craves engagement and loves lifting others up. His middle school football coach saw a spark in him and invited him to join the team as an inspirational sideline coach. Christian’s positive attitude was contagious and earned him the coveted Heart of the Lion award given for courage in the face of stiff odds. By Christian’s eighth-grade year, the coach renamed the award after its inspirational recipient. Christian will return each fall to hand out the honor to a deserving athlete and make a speech during the football banquet.
16 Years Old
Cerebral Palsy
Christian is a gregarious 16-year old boy with Cerebral Palsy who dreams of being a DJ when he grows up.
Christian was born prematurely by emergency c-section and spent 32-days in the NICU. Eight months later, after failing to meet developmental milestones, he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. At three years old, he received his first wheelchair, entered pre-school and learned to speak. This is when his personality began to emerge. He has continued to thrive and grow despite his disability, which he says he doesn’t notice all that much. Now that he is 5 foot 2 and one hundred pounds, with a 250-pound wheelchair, caring for him in a traditional sized bathroom and narrow bedroom doors has become a difficult challenge. With a bathroom remodel and ramp installation, Sunshine on a Ranney Day hopes to keep his dream alive and help him achieve his goals while helping his family continue to care for him in his home. We hope that you will join us in making this project become a reality.