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  • 4 Years Old

  •  Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21, remission from Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Lyric was born as the family’s third child and the only girl.  They were overflowing with excitement as they awaited the arrival of their beautiful daughter.  They planned to welcome her into the world with an exquisite homecoming celebration.   Her father was home decorating with welcome signs and balloons.  While her mother was still at the hospital with baby Lyric doctors revealed that they suspected that Lyric had Trisomy 21 which is more commonly known as Down Syndrome.  Tests soon confirmed their suspicion.  This shocking news was absolutely devastating and her parents were riddled with fear.  Not knowing very much about Down Syndrome, they began to educate themselves so that they could support her and provide her the best possible care.  They looked towards experts and read research regarding how to care for a child with Down Syndrome.  Little did they know that Lyric would be the one teaching them.


As they began to care for Lyric, her, beautiful spirit was like a light shining though their darkest fears and loving her was so easy.  Her radiant smile and pure heart touch the souls of those who meet her.  She brought their family such love and laughter, they knew that they were now complete.

As they began to care for Lyric, her, beautiful spirit was like a light shining though their darkest fears and loving her was so easy.

Lyric began to blossom into a healthy, vibrant toddler.  Given the possibility of enduring additional complications often associated with Down Syndrome, Lyric was relatively healthy and they felt very blessed. She had not even had an ear infection until she was two. The results of routine bloodwork at 2 ½ years old brought them unexpected yet earth shattering news.  Lyric had Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  It seemed so surreal.  She appeared to be perfectly healthy and thriving.


One month after being diagnosed, Lyric was admitted into Scottish Rite at the Aflac Cancer Center where she started her first of five rounds of chemotherapy. She spent twenty-six grueling days in the hospital during her first induction with many ups and downs.  Despite the pain and fatigue, Lyric amazed everyone with her strength and determination.  She fought with all of her being and her cheerful nature remained steadfast through it all.  When they tested her bone marrow at the conclusion of the first round of chemo, there were no detectable cancer cells! This was the most wonderful news and they were overcome with joy and gratitude.  Although the treatment was working, she still had to endure four more rounds of chemotherapy.  The effects were tough on her precious little body.  When her final treatment was complete, she had completed 720 unrelenting hours of chemotherapy with the goal of permanently eradicating the cancer.  Luckily, treatment was successful.  Her parents had never heard a sweeter sound than hearing her ring that bell to indicate that her treatment was complete and she was once again healthy!


Her parents were ecstatic to be able to take their perfectly healthy beautiful girl home.  Every moment they spend together is a moment they cherish.  Lyric is a rock star who doesn’t let Down Syndrome or cancer define her. Lyric has inspired many, but most of all her parents.  They are proud to share that Lyric has enriched their lives far more than words could ever express.

Photography by Nicole Photography