This strikingly handsome young man may look familiar to many of our Sunshine on a Ranney Day followers as he was one of the children we worked with in our early years. Raynel received our twenty-third designer room makeover. At the time, he was only nine. He was delighted with his vibrant videogame themed room which was expanded to make room for his medical equipment and increase his ability to move around. Now, Raynel is nearing his sixteenth birthday and has become an incredible young man. Not only has Raynel grown quite a bit since his last makeover, but his family also had to move. His current room and bathroom are too narrow to meet his needs for transferring, showering and moving throughout the home. He is currently in need of a full adapted bathroom that will allow his chair to be rolled into the shower and decrease the physical strain of lifting him over the tub and supporting him during the bathing routine.
16 Years Old
Spastic Quadriplegic Meningitis
His current room and bathroom are too narrow to meet his needs for transferring, showering and moving throughout the home.
Raynel has Spastic Quadriplegic Meningitis which was contracted at the age of four. The effects of the infection led to many permanent disorders including obstructive hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, a neurogenic bladder, developmental delay and hearing loss. He is fully dependent for all activities of daily living. Raynel has had a cochlear implant and is learning to use American Sign Language to communicate. His parents are learning ASL along with him so that they can continue to communicate with him as his language advances.
Sunshine on a Ranney Day is ecstatic over being able to see how much Raynel has grown and continue to support him as his needs change. He is truly extraordinary and continues to inspire us with his strength, positivity and illuminating smile. We are eager to complete these renovations and see him smile once again!